The LBP Union Wiki
The LBP Union Wiki

I've posted the first official thread for the Dreams Union on Dreambubble here:

To my welcome surprise, the studio that I have the most hype for seeing immediately jumped into the project, Mad-GFX. They are working on the Europa Descent project, which has incredible concept art. Please go check it out, it's imperative that you do so lol

I know this is going to be big. I'm very glad we were able to jump on board with this and I hope that we can actually help make Europa Descent become a success together. We have some great artists/minds hanging around at our discord server that I think would be invaluable to the project if they were to contribute. 

This being said, I can tell that a new era is approaching and I would love to keep everything as documented as possible. I would like to include that sort of stuff on this wiki, but I just don't know how yet. I think the wiki is going to stay the same name and style, but I'm going to add new categories and time periods and such, as if it was just an extension of the existing timeline. I can mark pages with flags or other markers to let readers know what they are reading about. Maybe I could do that for all time periods. Not sure. I'm writing at 2AM and everything is kind of a blur, but I wanted to share my excitement. 

The Dreams Union