So yesterday I put out a tweet about the end of the union government. Big deal lol
Long story short, Sevi432 from Taurian Concordat convinced me to come back and help them start things up again in preparation for Dreams. So, I came back to offer some advice and help with the Union. It got Huntsman007 elected as president and everything was fine and dandy.
Huntsman's presidential term ends May 5th. Yesterday, we decided that it was best to shut down the union government and keep the Union alive in spirit. Its ideals and objective will live on, but the structure will not. This wiki will continue to be updated and built upon, and we'll continue to chat on our server.
The spiritual successor of the LBP Union will be the Dreams Union. It is not an organization or an alliance. It is a pledge, an oath, that is to bind organizations on Dreams together around a common ideal and promise. That promise will be to avoid the mistakes made by clanners that led to 'war,' harassment, bullying, destructive (as opposed to constructive) elitism. The Dreams Union will have its own lore and meta content, but no structure. It will unite clans and organizations together through a common discord server perhaps but not with a formal structure.
This is the basis of the concept. I will be writing an official version of the Dreams Union pledge soon.
This is the 'ending' of the Union that I think we needed for closure. It will live on in the hearts and minds of those who want to truly enjoy Dreams: through playing and creating with others and not through collective or individual hate and bullying.