Brasilistan is a country in what was the Middle East, it is known for its dictator government, and making war with other nations. Now it is in Anarchy
The Nation was founded by Abdul al-Basher, he owned the nation under a iron fist, it went to war with small nations, taking them over to add to the territory. Then took over larger, and large nations, until owning almost all of the Middle East, and a bit of what was Russia, they declared war on Chernokovia, which made the economy bad in Chernokovia as it went to war and saving its citizens, and worse for Brasilistan, it resulted in a war that lasted 3 years, and terrorism in Chernokovia, the first year, "Operation Desert Ocean" was started, which resulted in a quick take over of the nation, which lasted one year, and a lot of the second year, the middle of the second year resulted in the Removal of any type of government diving Brasilistan into Anarchy, Chernokovia took it over faster after that, it was colonized by CRC, a election resulted in a person becoming the leader of New Brasilistan, who got assassinated. This was one of many terrorist attacks that happened in CRC. CRC later soon left Brasilistan to deal with itself.
The Population is mainly made of the races of Middle Eastern Countries.
Middle Eastern languages such as Farsi, and Luri are the main languages spoken in Brasilistan.
There is no government in Brasilistan, it is in Anarchy.
Foreign Relations and Military[]
Brasilistan has no Foreign Relations or Military