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The LBP Union Wiki


Toxic Empire was a clan that existed in the early Shadow Epoch. It is known for being an ally of Khorne Empire and later merging with the clan.


After the AREA Conflict in July 2011, some time passed before Khorne Empire was founded by Polarlab.[1] It is believed that Toxic Empire was founded during this time.[citation needed] Once Khorne Empire was founded, it allied itself with Toxic Empire and Black Skull Empire. Toxic Empire later merged with Khorne Empire and became a division of that clan.[2]



According to Polarlab's Clan Census, Toxic Empire had two verified members. However, in his autobiography when he discusses how Toxic Empire merged with Khorne Empire, he states that Toxic Empire had 40 members.[2]


Toxic Empire spoke English, but it is not known if any other languages were spoken.


Nothing is known about Toxic Empire's government structure.

Foreign Relations and Military[]

Toxic Empire was allied with Khorne Empire. Relations that Toxic Empire had with other clans is not known.

Culture and Style[]

The style of Toxic Empire is unknown. It may have been a sci-fi clan.[citation needed]


It is not known how Toxic Empire communicated with its members, if at all. No levels are known to exist for the clan. Toxic Empire had an account dedicated to clan affairs, called XX-TM_Toxic-XX, administered by the leader Rosscored1.


  1. Polarlab's Clan Timeline
  2. 2.0 2.1 Biography of Polarlab (pp. 16-17)