The LBP Union Wiki
The LBP Union Wiki


Matallik was a tiny organization that was a member state of the refounded LittleBigPlanet Union. It is best known for being the first Union clan to attempt creative education.


Matallik was founded sometime after the refoundation of the Union by G_310_ALERT to attempt to kickstart creative education. The effort was supported by the LBP Union and the clan was given a 'clan of the month' award at an Union press conference for their potential, hoping to attract more attention to the group.[citation needed] Matallik never got very far with its efforts and soon collapsed due to inactivity.



Matallik was very small, with only two members at most.[1]


The organization mainly spoke English.


Matallik did not have much in the way of a formal government due to its small size. It can be best thought of as a small team.

Foreign Relations and Military[]

Matallik reciprocated its relationship with the LBP Union, but due to its small size was unable to appoint a representative to give them a voice in the early refounded Union's General Assembly and Security Council.

Culture and Style[]

Matallik emphasized a modern style and specialized in handheld armaments like guns.


An example of one of Matallik's guns.


Matallik attended a few Union summits and used the refounded Union's community chat, but it is not known if it set up any methods of communication with its members. Its small size suggests that it did not.
