littlebigmolly (commonly known as Koko or simply Molly) is a member of the LBP Union's Ministry of Security and Ministry of Technology. She resides within the LBP Union Team as the Pathfinder Captain, as well as a Starguard Sergeant, and Research & Development Engineer.
Koko became involved in the Union around November of 2022, as she re-gained her interest in LittleBigPlanet partially in thanks to Penny, her former partner.
After making herself more acquainted within the server, she decided to put her dormant software engineering skills to use after learning about Project Lighthouse. Towards the end of November into the beginning of December, she applied for a Research & Development position, and after waiting for a week or so, she was brought onto the team as a Technician on December 20th.
After this, she quickly became a more known figure within the Union Discord, participating in chat quite often and making acquaintance with most of the current team, as well as helping members of the Union Space Corps with technical issues during the Beacon private beta. She also created M88 Bot, which became a widely-recognized trolling symbol within the Union Discord.
About a month or so before her birthday (January 19th), she preemptively applied for a position within the Pathfinder team after gaining a major interest in the position. It's assumed that the application was reviewed prior to her birthday, as on January 19th, 2023 at around 12am, she was brought on to the Pathfinder team as a birthday present from Penny.
As time passes, she becomes a full-time R&D Developer and is promoted to Pathfinder Scout.
Recently, a policy change within the Union's Ministry of Security handbook allowed for any person aged 15 or above to apply for any Ministry of Security team position, as long as you met the other criteria. Following this, and through some coordination with indo2042, she was permitted to apply for a Starguard team position whilst retaining her other two positions. She was accepted into this position on March 27th, 2023.
In August of 2023, the Pathfinder Captain position, previously held by her former partner Penny, became open. She applied for this position and was one of the first candidates to be considered for the position. A few hours after her interview in late August, it was announced that she would be the new Pathfinder Captain, where she remains today.
Notable Development Contributions[]
- ProjectLighthouse:
- GitHub Commits to ProjectLighthouse