The LBP Union Wiki
Unverified Information "I had enough of his crap, so I warred him."
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The Axis Alliance, the Axis Powers, or simply the Axis, was an LBP clan alliance and once was an influential power. The Axis was notable for its fascist style and various conflicts with other groups.


Shadow Epoch[]

First Axis Alliance of Powers[]

The Axis Alliance was first formed under the name of the Axis Control in October 2010 by Armageddon Empire leaders Jukewannabe and Birdman_Jay- as an alliance between all the major clans of LBP.[1] Birdman used the alliance to begin a campaign to destroy all clans he considered to be 'noobs.'[2]

However, dissension between various members of the Axis's two most powerful clans, the Armageddon Empire and the Red Eagle Army, led to the Anti-Red Eagle Army Conflict. This ended in a breakup of the Axis Alliance where most of its member states were allegedly destroyed by the AREA coalition, composed of the Anti-Red Eagle Army, Akatsuki, CHAOS Inc. and the Blood Star Rebellion. The conflicted resulted in the proliferation of the use of create war as a means to settle disputes, and this further developed a culture of elitism.[3]

Second Reformation[]

Polarlab reformed the Axis Alliance of Powers while in control of Black Scythe Army in an attempt to fulfill his plans to 'conquer LBP.' He then initiated the Axis-Core-Soviet Conflict, a campaign to defeat the CORE Union alliance and the allied 'communist' clans that Polar referred to as the USSR. After a long campaign, CORE Union was allegedly defeated, and then the communist clans as well. Polar declared his victory by stating that he had 'conquered LBP.'[4]

The Axis had a brief spat with a group known as the United Order, comprised of clan leaders Hardware34, Gallefrey10 and TopBooger. The Order was founded after the Dark Zephyr Republic leader, Hardware, was threatened by an Axis member known as TFudgey07[citation needed]. The UO was disbanded a month later.[5]

After Polar's alleged victory, he entrusted ChimeranDinos, his student, with leading the Axis and then temporarily retired. Within a month, the Axis Alliance had supposedly collapsed.[6]

Third Reformation[]

Polarlab returned to LBP in 2013 and was inspired by the work of ShadowLeviathan, a player of mech battle and developer of extremely powerful weapons for the game. Polarlab and Jukewannabe reverse engineered a powerful holobomb developed by ShadowLeviathan and used it to defeat another mech battler named Lewis300199. This inspired Polar to reform the Axis Alliance once more, as mech battle was a generally accepted form of conflict resolution between clans. This time, Polarlab's Khorne Empire was at the forefront of the alliance. Polar immediately led the Axis into an extended conflict that he called World War 4. Only once was the Axis held off by one of its enemies, the Silentium Contra. However, after the Contra's leaders were suspended from PlayStation Network, Polarlab claimed victory.

With these clans out of the way, the Axis considered that it needed to reform after the blow dealt to it by Silentium Contra. Juke proposed that the alliance be reorganized and renamed to the Wolfram Pakt. Polar shut down Khorne Empire following this and began working on a new clan. Wolfram Pakt collapsed very quickly and Polar blamed Juke for this outcome. Polar once again retired temporarily after this.[7]

Reconstruction Era[]

Fourth Reformation[]

The Axis Alliance was reformed by Lord President PolarisPhaedra in early 2014 with several clans at its side. Polaris was eager for more clans to join his cause, and contacted M88youngling to discuss talks about the Axis' relationship with the LittleBigPlanet Union. Polaris began the talks by suggesting that the Union become a member state of the Axis. M88youngling was threatened by this, interpreting Polaris' suggestion as if Polaris saw the LBP Union as simply another clan. Not wanting to put the Union under Polaris' control, M88youngling refused the offer and denied alliance-style relations with the Axis. The Axis fell dormant for a few months, developing later during the end leg of the RU/LBPU War. [8]

The Axis / LBPU Conflict[]

After the collapse of the Remnants Union in the RU/LBPU War in the late spring of 2014, RU President XFinal_IsaacX sought Polaris' aid. Being friends with Isaac, Polaris heard Isaac's side of the story and became wary of the LBP Union. If the LBP Union had defeated the Remnants Union, this made them a threat to the Axis. Equally alarming was word of a possible Red Skull Republic infiltration designed to destroy the Axis. Polaris was not aware however that the entire story was a ruse created by the then RSR leader HomocidalChicken to scare Polaris as a joke. Fearing the RSR more than the LBPU, Polaris sought out the LBPU for aid, threatening war if they did not help him stop the RSR's plans. President M88youngling refused, unaware of the situation at the time. This prompted Polaris to begin finding partners to rally against the Union, contacting the United Clans Federation to declare war. This sparked the Axis / LBPU Conflict. This was short lived and the declaration was quickly redacted, but the Axis again challenged the Union. However, the Axis could not keep up the momentum of its challenge and failed to press the Union further.

New Administration[]

Romero President Post

Dark_J_Romero's screenshot of PolarisPhaedra's announcement of his resignation and appointment of a new Lord President on Facebook.

Lord President PolarisPhaedra resigned from his position, leaving Dark_J_Romero in charge. Polaris also regarded Head of Propaganda TheFemaleAlpaca and Lord Vice President Nick_C11 to be "out of commission for good."[9] Sometime later, Romero resigned and the Axis was plunged into an electoral limbo. Clans began to bicker and fight over the right for the seat of Lord President, and the alliance crumbled. [8]

Judgment-LBPU Conflict[]

The Axis made a return represented by PolarisPhaedra during the Judgment-LBP Union Conflict. Polaris agreed to participate in the coalition against the rising Judgement organization, however he participated in very few strategic meetings with the other members of the coalition. It is believed that the Axis was not actually under his control at this time due to their lack of activity. Polaris briefly made a plea during the planning of Operation Arrowhead to not target Jukewannabe's "Battle Planet Syria" level for grief reporting. While not targeted, the level was still believed to have been deleted by moderators after the operation to get Juke's Reichstag level deleted.[8]

2017 Reformation and Dispute[]

In the summer of 2017, the Axis was illegitimately[citation needed] reformed by LBP_Savior-_-, also known as Louis218v. Louis quickly began to garner community attention by spam posting recruitment levels for the Axis repeatedly, causing the newest levels pages to be flooded with Axis propaganda aimed at 'saving LBP.' This attracted a very negative response from the community at large.[10][11] The negative attention Louis received allowed him to gain a few members for his cause such as TheManWhoLaughzZ. However, Louis interpreted TheManWhoLaughzZ's aid as an attempt to control the faction and quickly moved to announce his opposition to him. This also attracted the attention of another party interested in control of the Axis. This party, believed to be headed by the Voltorian Empire, a former Axis state, seeks to take control of the Axis. The state of the Axis' control was disputed between the two groups, one side composed of Louis, and the other side with Tomboy2011, FirebirdPayton, and TheManWhoLaughzZ.[citation needed]

Since then, the latter faction has disappeared, with TheManWhoLaughzZ joining the High Authority, who would later engage in hostility with the Axis Alliance.[citation needed]

On March 26th, 2019, LBP_Savior-_- resigned as a Lord President, leaving a vacuum in the clan's leadership. This put an end to the small faction. [12]



First Axis Alliance of Powers[]

Not many clans of the first Axis Alliance are known, but a few mentioned by Polarlab are,

Second Axis Alliance of Powers[]

Polarlab claims the following clans were members of the first Axis Alliance of Powers,[13]

  • Black Scythe Army - Polarlab
  • Turan Empire - Elite_Emre
  • Chimera Raiders - Chimerandinos
  • National German Republic - Huntsman007
  • Death Guard - Shadowtom66
  • Fallen Republic - GoldenxReaper
  • Desert Assault - Greontje
  • New Dawn Empire - xIllusion1x
  • Evil Empire - Evil_Doer500
  • Elite Empire - Haloelite4
  • Shadowed Army - ShadowStryker
  • Blood Collector Inc. - X_X-Owned-
  • Cerberus - Deus_Enigma
  • Black Requiem - United_Gunner91
  • Hazmat Rebellion - Graciedog74

Very little information is known about most, making it difficult to verify.

Third Axis Alliance of Powers[]

Polarlab claims that the third Axis Alliance was made up of the following clans,

It supposedly was composed of the following clans,

2014 Reformation (Fourth Axis)[]

The Axis during this time was moderately sized. Various clans were part of the pact, but few participated. The following is a list of clans that were members of the Axis Alliance following the 2014 reformation including their representatives,[14]

Most of these clans at the time were attempted reformations of past clans, such as the Fallen Republic and Turan Empire. These Axis states had very few members and contributed very little. Others, such as the National Kürist Party were small startup states that were used to allow leaders to take part in the Fascist Party. The larger, more original clans of the Axis were still relatively small and had very small contributions to the cause. As such, the Axis during this time was very unstable and unable to support its ambitious attempts to oppose the Union.

2017 Reformation (Fifth Axis)[]

The Axis in 2017 was formerly disputed between two factions of unknown size. According to an Excel file created by LBP-Savior-_-, his faction had roughly 21 members. However, various side-accounts were listed and several players listed were inactive or had blank accounts.[15]

In addition, the Axis Alliance had three known member states; the Ashina Clan, the Supreme Italian Mafia, and the Finland Empire.


The Axis predominately spoke English in all of its iterations.


The government of the Axis was historically fascist. Its 2014 reformation had very specific rules and systems that established two main government bodies: the Fascist Council and the Fascist Party.[14]

The Fascist Council[]

The Fascist Council was made up of clan representatives, one from each clan. Representatives are appointed by each clan to give them a vote on what actions the Axis Alliance can take. Essentially, they are the primary checking force for the Fascist Party.[14]

The Fascist Party[]

Fascist Party

The Fascist Party of the Axis

The ideally 36 member Party controlled the entire Axis, being able to enforce its rules, mobilize it for war and to engage in diplomacy with other groups. The Fascist Party is set up in a hierarchical system of roles. Each role has a specific responsibility and level of power in the Party and the Axis.[14]

Lord President[]

"The President of the Fascist Party is a figure of leadership in the alliance. He is also head of the Fascist Council. He can veto any laws passed by the council that he doesn't deem fit"[14].

The first Lord President of the reformed Axis alliance was PolarisPhaedra, followed by Dark_J_Romero of the Dark Sky Empire. After this, an election took place that failed to replace the Lord President position officially. Polaris handled most of of the Axis' affairs and diplomacy with the LittleBigPlanet Union.

Lord Vice President[]

"The Vice President is a fill in for the President during times of absense[sic] or leave. The Vice President is a loyal individual"[14].

The Lord Vice President during this time was Nick_C11, representative of the Silentium Contra at the time. It is not known what contributions he made to the alliance in this position.

Head of Secret Service[]

"Head of Secret Service leads the alliance police force. He can convict members of treason without council consent, he is also the president's head bodyguard"[14].

AlderGoterresint (AKA Huntsman007) of the Blackguard was the Head of Secret Service in the summer of 2014.[14] It is not known what contributions he made to the alliance in this position.

Head of Diplomacy[]

"Head of Diplomacy handles foreign affairs. He accepts new clans into the alliance aswell[sic] as forms relationships with allies and enemies"[14].

The Head of Diplomacy in the summer of 2014 was Hime-Tears09 from an unknown Axis state. It is not known what contributions he/she made to the alliance in this position.

Head of Punishment[]

"Head of Punishment deals with alliance troublemakers and spys[sic]. He has the ability to kick members without council consent[14].

TheBruceys was the Head of Punishment during this time from an unknown Axis state. It is not known what contributions he made to the alliance in this position.

Head of Technology[]

"Head of Technology produces alliance tech and logiic, but he must have council consent on what to make"[14].

xAMKAx was the Head of Technology during this time from an unknown Axis state. It is not known what contributions he made to the alliance in this position.

Head of Propaganda[]

"Head of Propaganda creates artwork and stickers for the Alliance. He must have council consent on what to make"[14].

TheFemaleAlpaca was the Head of Propaganda during this time from an unknown Axis state. It is not known what contributions he/she made to the alliance in this position.

Head of Military and Defense[]

"Head of Military and Defense leads the alliance's armies into battle. He cannot do any military actions without council consent. Only if the President implements martial law, then and only then can he do it without council consent"[14]

Dark_J_Romero from the Dark Sky Empire was the Head of Military and Defense during the summer of 2014. It is not known what contributions he made to the alliance in this position.


Overwatches were a position in the Fascist Party with the role of appointing officers and enforcers to different departments of the Party. There were three overwatches, Huntsman007, X-Jake-Prototype, and Errmac_223247.[14]

Officers and Enforcers[]

Officers and Enforcers were the lowest ranking members of the Fascist Party. They supposedly worked in various departments of the Party, but these departments were never outlined. It's possible that these departments were underneath the Party heads, such as the Head of Propaganda. The following are officers/enforcers listed by the Axis,[14]

  • Graciedog74
  • Droid_2009
  • Nickalis02
  • HaloElite4
  • Dark_Demon101
  • Pfdmedic4
  • HowNotToBeEpic
  • Pokey-Man
  • Toysim
  • HammerBoy123
  • Fireballgriffin


The Axis had a set of rules that it required all members and member states to follow to retain membership in the alliance.

  • "All clans entered into the alliance must be loyal. Insubordination is not tolerated."
  • "Each clan in the Alliance is protected therefore one clan's war is every clan in the Alliance's war. This exempts pacifist and political clans."
  • "You can join as a member and have a job with a rank or you can become a representative for your clan."
  • "H4H, P4P, and Y4Y are prohibited within the alliance."
  • "Trades with other Axis clans are permitted. Trades with clans outside the Axis [are] prohibited."
  • "Respect all Axis enforcers and higher ranked party members."
  • "All Axis actions must be voted on by clan reps before they are initiated."*
  • "Be proud of your alliance, negativity will get you kicked!"[14]

*Some exceptions can be noted in the Fascist Party's department heads.


The government of the reformed Axis in 2014 was fueled by six goals.

  1. "Achieve power in the community."
  2. "Reduce the spread of communism and socialism."
  3. "Destroy all opposition and looming threats."
  4. "Become better creators and express ideas through levels and creations."
  5. "Rebuild the LBP community."
  6. "Promote world balance and order."[14]

Foreign Relations and Military[]

The Axis had alliances with the Remnants Union and the United Clans Federation in 2014. However, the Axis regarded the United Clans Federation by the name of the United Communist Federation. This suggests a mistake on the Axis' part or a change in name by the UCF. Either way, this poses a contradiction to the second goal of the Axis: to reduce the spread of communism and socialism.[14]

The 2014 instance of the Axis is known to have compelled its member states to assist in wartime. However, the actual ability of the Axis to mobilize forces is not known. The Axis was not able to mobilize any of its forces to oppose the LittleBigPlanet Union during the Axis/LBPU Conflict.

The 2017 instance of the Axis was known to have positions denoting an active council: [16]

  • Deaver812 - Head of Logic
  • eddeltoro - Head of Council
  • GOD__BLADE - Head of Military
  • toxictank12 - Head of Research
  • MigrantAcrobat69 - Key Master
  • TheFuturistic5 - Co-Leader

Culture and Style[]

Axis Soldiers Salute

Axis soldiers salute to the flag of the Alliance.

The Axis was very darkly themed, much like the elitist standard set in the Shadow Epoch. The Axis has historically upheld elitism and grant more power and respect to those who can create more skillfully in the style than others. It modeled after fascist powers in both World Wars such as Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and others.

Due to its fascist nature, the Axis was very focused on creating resources that would promote their image of jingoism and collective power. This spawned a multitude of propaganda posters and levels to promote the alliance.

At one point, Lord President PolarisPhaedra published a film for the Axis depicting and dramatizing the Axis/LBPU Conflict. The movie depicted themes such as the Axis' view of the LBP Union's creative inability, the struggle against sloth in the community, their perceived threat of furries, and more. The movie concluded with the LBP Union's victory. Oddly, the film also included a Soviet style clan that was not known to be active during this time. The film was deleted, making further research on it difficult.


The Axis was known to have some sort of Facebook community, as suggested by a screenshot uploaded by Dark_J_Romero of Lord President PolarisPhaedra's resignation and appointment of the new administration.

References []

  1. Polarlab's Clan Timeline 12-23-19 (p. 2)
  2. Biography of Polarlab (p. 11)
  3. Effects of the Anti-Red Eagle Army Conflict on the LittleBigPlanet Community
  4. Biography of Polarlab - (pp. 29-32)
  5. Hardware34's testimony
  6. Biography of Polarlab - (pp. 32-33)
  7. Biography of Polarlab (pp. 35-37)
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 M88youngling's Journals
  9. PolarisPhaedra Facebook Post Screenshot - Dark_J_Romero
  10. My thought of LBP_Savior and Axis Alliance [Level]
  11. Tweet from @DanThePaperNerd
  12. LBP_Savior-_-'s LBP profile
  13. Biography of Polarlab - Appendix (p. 40)
  14. 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 14.11 14.12 14.13 14.14 14.15 14.16 14.17 Axis Alliance Info Chip v4.0
  15. [1]
  16. [2]