The LBP Union Wiki

Aspectz (Originally TRNQ) was a clan owned by NEWVIXONLINE founded back in March 2020 after Vix and her friends got together to make a Call of Duty clan name thus Aspectz was born, They were also an anarchist clan.


Aspectz started off as a trick-shotting clan called TRNQ for the 2 original Black Ops games but it eventually moved over to LittleBigPlanet when it was revived and renamed in March 2022

Aspectz declared war on Pernambuco at August 25th 2022 with the reason that the leader of Pernambuco, Daviaofc rick-rolling the leader of Aspectz, NEWVIXONLINE. It eventually ended as Aspectz became inactive and Pernambuco "kindly" signed a peace treaty for themselves and Aspectz. [1]



Aspectz had 3 members all probably from the United States.


Aspectz was a strictly all english clan with no exceptions.


Aspectz has no government as they are anarchists. They briefly turned monarchist before returning to anarchism.

Foreign Relations[]

Aspectz were allied to Republic of Taiyang.


Aspectz used nuclear arms/weapons to take down their enemies.

Culture and Style[]

It is unknown how the culture of Aspectz was, however they were styled based on anarchism


Describe how the organization holds events, meetings, and communicates.

  1. ICC's Discord
v - e - d International Creators Council (2021-)