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This place is more dead than my phone battery
So, I am cheating with this alternate history theory because I have actually written about it before on the wiki! However, none of you have probably seen it because it exists as a blog post. However, this blog post doesn't really look like a blog post. It uses the same code as the Vector Troop article to make it appear as if it's a real wiki article. However, the article title and URL make it pretty obviously not the real article. I'm not sure how google indexes blog posts, so I don't think it's at risk of cannibalizing the real Vector Troop article. You can find the blog post here.
I'll briefly summarize what happens in the fake article!
What really happened was I was discouraged with a lack of progress and decided to step down as leader of Vector Troop. This led to Vector Troop dying and turning into the Silentium Contra which did pretty much nothing afterward, unless you count their role in the Judgment-LBP Union conflict.
The fake article addresses some key points. For starters, the original Vector Troop leaders continue to aid me in my leadership, but I am also much more willing to learn from them and grow. I was trying to learn back then, but I just wasn't learning how to create at a pace that was really beneficial for the group. It partly was because of how much I focused on making vehicles and weapons. If I had focused on scenery instead, I could have cranked out a lot more levels that would have convinced people to join. I think level development is one of the most important aspects of recruitment for a clan, so this would have been extremely helpful. Plus, it would have helped retain the VT people to help me out.
However, I didn't discount the issues that still would have been there. Nick_C11 didn't like me because of my reputation. In this timeline I decided to purge many CRO members who weren't active or didn't want to put effort into helping VT grow, However soon thereafter I recruited a lot of new members to spread VT's influence, regardless of skill level. Since Deadpool, Wanida, and Nick were all very elitist, in this timeline I chose to restrict privileges of common members to hopefully get them to be okay with it.
I didn't really agree with the elitist perspective. It was good that they were willing to teach people, and it's true that some people just don't want to learn, but you will never get people to want to learn how to create if you are constantly pushing people away and setting a higher and higher bar. In my opinion, you should reward people for doing great things but don't put others down and hold them back when they don't know how to do something. You might just reinforce the idea that they will never be good enough.
Anyway, back on track here. In this timeline, there is a 'military academy' set up to do just this, to enable members to pass tests and learn how to do stuff. However, the me in this alternate universe has become more pro-elitist. With "aggressive propaganda" as I put it, those common members are "weaker" and "lower". So, yeah. Heel faced turn. I can imagine a different story where this does not play out this way, but this is important because it gets really interesting later.
In the alternate universe article that I wrote, I talked about how this campaign caused many new members to come to Vector Troop. This assumes that those new members are motivated to work their way up the ladder and learn how to create, a bootstraps vision on clans. This is perhaps the dream of people like Deadpool010, Wanida12, and Nick_C11, although I have a feeling they might feel torn about it since they might feel as if the new members would mean stiffer competition.
I actually think that the result of this move is very unrealistic in hindsight. Like I said before, creating those barriers to entry and portraying lesser skilled creators as a lower class will only drive them away. It's kind of like watching a video of someone making a beautiful painting and instead of feeling inspired you just feel useless. "There is no way I can make a painting that good, so why should I even try?" This is a very challenging issue to get around, but for right now let's just pretend like this is actually what happens. Feel free to leave a comment or hit me up if you want to talk about what might have happened instead of a member increase, because we have more to cover from here!
So, the new members means Vector Troop gets big. This is really important because clans are at a bit of a low point right now. There are many smaller, less organized clans, and now Vector Troop is at the front of the hype train, and there is a very interesting class system at play here. The Vector Troop Parliament is filled, but it's mostly filled by upper class VT members. This of course means that the lower class isn't represented much at all. Yeah, one party system makes the parliament pretty much useless since everyone has the same ideology and goals. "Aesthetic good! No skill = bad!" You know, the more refined political ideologies...
Eventually Nick_C11 gets tired of my crap, so he wars me. Even though I would be improving in creative skill, Nick probably still feels jealous. He may still be better than me at creating at this point in time so he could have maybe tried to challenge me for power with a create war, but in this alternate universe when I wrote this fake article I chose to have him convince five parliament members to align with his faction, Silentium Contra: a far more radical elite group that wants to purge the lower class of VT entirely. The most critical part of this divide is that although Wanida and Deadpool favor Nick's position, they feel that my way of balancing Vector Troop is what's good for the longevity of the organization and they convince Nick to stand down. This is a very volatile situation that I can imagine going the opposite way, creating a Vector Troop civil war.
Right after this is the RAVEN-Soldier Wolves conflict. There's a bit where Vector Troop declares war on RAVEN to aid the Soldier Wolves, and after they are defeated M88youngling offered RAVEN leaders and members a place in Vector Troop. Wkendall, RAVEN's leader, became the Minister of Intelligence.
Importantly, creative education at this time was not extended to the Soldier Wolves because VT stronk!
So later VT gets a cool city called the Iron Citadel with three published levels. Seems kind of familiar to the Union Refoundation Day thing from 2014, but this is supposedly happening in November 2013. Wow! There's a lot of new other content too. Imagine like an RSR blitz effect.
There's a big rivalry between Remnants Union and Vector Troop, and Vector Troop comes out on top.
Ok, so, here comes the fun part. January, 2014. Vector Troop becomes a member state of the Axis, and I get to be Head of the Secret Service and Nick_C11 gets to be Lord Vice President. "But wait!" you cry, "Nick_C11 is below M88youngling in Vector Troop's ranks!". I think I was being extra creative on adding more drama to this alternate universe lol
Yeah, so Nick gets a higher position in the fascist party than me. Yikes! I at least get some more sympathetic people appointed as other lower party members to back me up, but this is a major issue, especially with how Nick was oppositional to me earlier on in this timeline. However, I am at least learning some more advanced sticker art during this time supposedly.
Vector Troop declares war on the Soldier Wolves eventually, but they are extremely stubborn and won't give up so easily. They become a bit of an annoying problem for the Axis as time goes on. Nick eventually calls me out for this and cites it as a reason for me to be removed as head of state. I make some new cool content to show him up. By gaining the favor of other Axis state leaders, He gets mad about it, so I'm able to remove him for treason as head of the secret service.
Psyche. Polar vetoes the order as Lord President. Still, he decides to demote Nick and promotes me to Lord Vice President. Nice!
So things are all well and good. Axis and Vector Troop are both doing really well. That is, until Judgment comes back. They do some create wars and initially win, but several important leaders in the Axis defect. Judgment has some crazy stuff planned like DyOS that really just screw over the Axis for another create war, resulting in their defeat.
This is where I stopped in the article, but, wow. It seems to imply that in this timeline, without the LBP Union's experience with dealing with RU and the Axis in terms of grief reporting and 'don't feed the trolls' tactics, the Axis is pretty much screwed in dealing with Judgment. However, it's entirely possible that Judgment might not arise the same way in this timeline at all. It's possible that they might become part of the Axis, but I don't think they would like Polar well enough for that to happen.
There are a lot of things that could have gone differently. I'm curious to hear what you think about it. What do you think would have happened instead? What do you think would have happened if things would have gone slightly differently?
I have decided to make this kind of topic its own category! No longer defined by a day of the week. I couldn't wait until Monday to share this lol but I will try to keep coming up with new prompts for you all.
I had an interesting discussion with MR-TOXIC-RAGE today on Discord. He insisted that the reason why Judgment ever existed in 2014 was because of civil war in the old Union, and that Godman2k7's poor leadership gave justification to Fallen Republic's actions. He claims that if the Union schism had never occurred, the Fallen Republic would never have gotten as successful as it did.
He even suggested that Fallen Republic might have even considered joining the Union!
My reaction was: "WHOAH! well, uh…okay lol"
Well, anyway, consider that a taste of what I want to explore through this question: What if the LBP Union survived the schism in 2011? What if the Union lasted into the Shadow Epoch and was able to interact with other big name clans at the time like Khorne Empire, Turan Empire, and even Fallen Republic?
So, we need to take a step back from Toxic's theory. I'll be honest, in more specific words, my reaction was more along the lines of, "that's hecking insane but it's crazy enough that I want to think about what that kind of world might look like!" So, I will do a little bit of that today. I'm not going to go into excruciating detail but I am going to think about some important big picture questions about the Union's role in the Shadow Epoch.
In a short return to Toxic's theory, let's think about Godman's leadership. I'm not going to say that Godman was a good or a bad leader. I personally think that he did the best that he could with what he knew. We were all very young then. I was 13 years old in 2011, and when the Union was first founded I think I was 11. Godman is only one or two years older than me. Granted, this is the age of a lot of people in clans so it's not like we can say Godman was older or younger than anybody else realistically.
Also we have to consider that clans were a lot different back then. It's almost anachronistic to expect them to act the way we would now. As time went on, there were a lot of social conventions and context that got carried along. At the beginning, nobody really had much to go off of since there weren't years of history and reputation to look to.
Okay, with that disclaimer of sorts out of the way, let's get back to why I brought up Godman's leadership. I'm not sure that he alone can prevent the schism. The Old Union had a lot of different people and interests, and particularly the issue was between me and Shadow-Man100 (Leejk30). Toxic had a suggestion about how Godman can stop the schism through certain decisions, but ultimately no matter what happened, it would have come down to these questions:
Would Godman2k7 continue to be president? And if not, who would he appoint in his stead? (Or perhaps the Union would elect someone?
Will M88youngling and Shadow-Man100 shut the heck up and stop bickering with eachother like babies?
The answers to these questions DRAMATICALLY change what the future of the Union looks like post-schism. I encourage you to consider them and think about them yourself! However, for this particular example I'm going to use this scenario:
Godman2k7 does not resign and remains president. M88youngling and Shadow-Man100 manage to get along. In a miraculous transformation, the Union sort of evolves into this stronger entity that can finally get along. Along with it, the core of the Union becomes more structured like the reformed Union and has a few incorporated departments. I take a chill pill and let go of the CRO. I become the Union Minister of Intelligence and the Agents become the Union Intelligence Agency.
Yes, I took some liberties with that but just hear me out lol, I think it's reasonable that the Union would continue to evolve. The Old Union resembled the European Union but it never had any kind of formal government or constitution. Godman was getting ready to go to university around this time I think, so I wonder if he would have pursued something a bit more structured to larp real world more closely. Would people make fun of him for it? Probably lol but whatever it would have been cool. It probably would have looked vastly different from my take on it, but I'm gonna pretend it's somewhat similar because that's what I know best.
Okay, so first things first: the AREA conflict. I discussed this last week, but this is the event that is probably occurring at the same time as the Union schism. Since the schism does not happen, the Union gets a choice on whether or not to take part in the battle. In my opinion I think the Union probably either remains completely neutral and stays out of it or they actively try to mediate a truce. (Although the H4H Bounty Hunters probably start getting trigger happy. But remember, the Union is a bit more united now and they probably show a little more restraint.)
I'm not really sure how the Union could go about convincing them to all shut up and stop fighting. Polar is really motivated to take down REA. I don't think he would ever let anyone stop him from trying. It's also more than just him. REA was being a real pain in the neck for a lot of people. For example, Juke wasn't a big fan of them and his split from AE to form BSR and secret aid to AREA before that.
REA also was supposedly using their allies to spy on one another and manipulating stuff. Let's assume that is true despite the little evidence for simplicity. Unless the Union is really persuasive and finds some common ground between the two sides. I'm not exactly sure that a globalist approach would have worked. What I mean by that is the Union proposes that the Axis has failed. They would convince everyone involved that the path forward only leads to more fighting, similar to what they had experienced with the Union civil wars. They insist to them that the only way forward is to join forces with the Union and talk to eachother about issues that every clan can agree on through democracy, with punishments for those who break the rules.
Punishments…yeah I hear you lol it seems pretty unlikely! I'm not exactly sure a globalist solution would really work, so for now let's say that it doesn't. At least, not to its fullest extent. The Union has a sizable amount of clans united but it's not enough for it to be a true 'united nations' of sorts. Several large clans like RSR stay independent.
Maybe the Union is able to pick up some of the stragglers that got their butts kicked. Lightning Army, Green Skull Assassins, Atomic Aftermath, you know. Maybe they are able to convince some other people from each side to go neutral. For example, Brotherhood of Steel I don't think was super dedicated to supporting AREA's cause so maybe they would join the Union. Hell, the Balance at the time had pretty good relations with Akatsuki, so maybe Akatsuki joins the Union.
Ahaha, yes I wanted to point that out because Akatsuki's relationship with the Union could get REALLY complicated…For context, a few years after this point, everybody and their brother gang up on Akatsuki. It wasn't just for political reasons. Chriswolf119 most likely was a pretty bad dude. There's a lot of testimony out there about it, and while I can't say that there is definitive evidence yet, I can say I am team "chriswolf was a bad dude".
But let's not get ahead of ourselves! Let's say that the Union and its new friends continue on past the AREA conflict. BSR does form and unites with AE after the fall of REA, so Fallen Republic and the Union now exist at the same time. With the Union in the mix, now with many more clans than before. I'm not saying that LA, GSA, AA and others remain the same. They probably evolve and new leaders take charge with varying degrees of size and influence. Regardless, the Union by this point has probably achieved a reputation for being a pretty sizable power in the community and it has probably been challenged a couple times. It's not perfect by any means but its leaders talk about stuff. It's a very different flavor from the dark edgelord aesthetic going around the rest of the community. However, I wonder if some of the people from the Axis that the LBPU picked up would go for a 'righteous power' kind of theme. Like, think American Imperialism. They might try to use the Union's democracy to pick lots of fights. However, the Union government probably can keep a close eye on that. That is, until people start clamoring for elections or something. That would be interesting.
Anyway, my point is: with the Union in the picture, just EXISTING during this time, it has an influence on the actions of other groups. Does the Fallen Republic still pick fights with others, do they still do an 'emo holocaust'? Do Polar and Khorne Empire go off and pick fights for honor? The list goes on. The answer is I have no clue. Things could look a lot different. For example, people might turn to the Union and see them as the 'odd ones out' and try to build coalitions to take them down.
As the odd ones out, I am curious as to what would happen if the Union collectively just refuses to take part in create war or other kinds of fighting. One clan, ok. That may not turn out so well for their reputation. But, a Union of 100-200 people and like 20 clans? That's a different story. It could completely change the shape of the Shadow Epoch. Although it might at first seem like a good thing, it might lead to more problematic strategies as we saw in the Judgment-LBPU Conflict in 2014. Grief reporting might be more prevalent. Rating brigading and such would stick around, but the real meat of it might come in the form of political manipulation, espionage, that kind of thing. Might get extra problematic if you add things like doxing and even hacking into the mix (although the latter seems unlikely).
The farther we go in this timeline, the more uncertain we have to get. Also, the farther we go, the more forks in the road we come to. I already asked before what would happen if Godman wasn't president. I asked what might happen if the Union decided to try and stop the AREA conflict. Now, I asked what would happen if the Union decided to refuse to take part in war. As you can see, this issue is VERY complex and I'm not sure I have enough information to really say how things would have turned out.
I want to touch on two big topics before coming to a conclusion. The first is Fallen Republic because that's what started this whole prompt, and then Akatsuki.
First, Fallen Republic. I can't speak for Toxic, but I think the number one reason he fixated on this is because of Fallen Republic was the inspiration for Judgment and this shows not only in Judgment's thematic elements but also its membership and policy. It was highly elitist, had a dark and malevolent feel to it, and actively harassed people that it looked down upon. Because of the Union's longstanding conflict with Judgment and later the Visarian Mandate, I can see why Toxic comes to the conclusion that Fallen Republic is causally responsible for what Judgment looks like and how it affects the LBP Union later on.
Okay, sure. When thinking from a position of causation, I think that's a fair point. It opens up a lot of interesting questions too:
If the Union continues to exist throughout the Shadow Epoch and while Fallen Republic is around, does Judgment or the Visarian Mandate ever come about? Does Fallen Republic stick around for a while longer? Perhaps Judgment and the Visarian Mandate 'evolve' out of Fallen Republic instead of there being a period of 'dead' for the group.
Do they fight? 😳👉👈
Toxic even suggested that the Fallen Republic might JOIN THE UNION. What the f…?
Okay, excuse that last remark please. That was my initial reaction but you can understand why I react that way based on my experience. Based on what I know actually happened for real, it seems incredibly unlikely because FR's objectives and ideals VASTLY depart from the Union's principles. However, a lot of things could change in this alternate timeline, so for all we know maybe something completely changes. I find it kind of unlikely though. I have a hunch that a lot of the ideology that FR's leaders had came from outside of clans and the Union's presence wouldn't have effected this. Actually, I wonder if it would have exacerbated the issue similar to how the Axis in 2014 pictured the LBP Union as the WW2 allied powers coming to get them alongside those horrible, horrible commies that didn't exist at the time.
Do they fight? Well, I don't know. Who wins? Beats me. I mean, RSR was trying to go up against them. RSR was really competitive and wanted to be the best, better than any alliance or clan out there. So, would they have teamed up with the Union? I'm not sure. Every time I asked HomocidalChicken to have RSR team up with the Union from 2014 onward he always said "nah man." Granted, that was a very different RSR from when they were having their rivalry with FR, so I could be wrong. They might just 'agree' to take down FR together and this probably could have worked. Or, maybe they could have worked on negotiating a better deal, one that didn't involve harassing emos. FR and RSR did in the end come to the conclusion that they had more in common than they thought. Also, perhaps there is an even worse enemy out there.
Yeaaaah. Now we are back to Akatsuki. We are so far along in the timeline and I'm so overwhelmed with this that I don't even know what this might look like. There might be a united coalition, FR, RSR, LBPU, against Akatsuki. That brings about a similar result as before. The Union might try to mediate the conflict and negotiate for the removal of Chriswolf119 while preserving Akatsuki. I think that causes the same conclusion really, because that’s what the result of the conflict was anyway. However, if it is done more peacefully, maybe Akatsuki can last a little longer for the better. However, I don't think FR and RSR would be too happy about that. They opposed Akatsuki for political reasons too, not just because Chriswolf bad.
I can also imagine another possibility where the Union somehow is completely unaware of Chriswolf's scandals and the LBPU tries to stop the war completely and maybe even defends Akatsuki, but I would hope that the clans in the Union would have enough sense to see through that.
As you can see, there are a lot of issues that come from a question as simple as "What would happen if the Union schism never happened?" But, I think that's awesome! There is SO MUCH to explore and I think it's really interesting and I'm glad Toxic brought up his theory. Although I may not agree with him on how it might have played out, it's still interesting to explore. Plus, even the unlikely scenarios are really cool to think about. Toxic had this very Machiavellian approach to the Union, and I think that a much 'darker' Union is a fascinating topic to explore and imagine about.
Got a specific question about any of this or something you imagine could have happened from this same topic? Hit reply, type up your novel. I love to talk about this stuff.
So I want to try something new. We talk a lot about what has already happened in clan history here on the wiki, but I thought that it might be a fun and interesting exercise to think about some 'what if' scenarios. Not only is it fun to imagine how a certain situation might have played out, but it also might help us understand the major 'causal forces' at play throughout clan history and why they are so important.
Feel free to shout out your own scenario ideas! This one is just mine that I thought I would share. I am hoping to try and come up with some scenarios each week just for fun, but I'm not sure how long it will last.
This scenario takes place in 2011 just before the AREA Conflict kicks off. This is right around when the first AREA rebellion, led by AMKA-IRONMAN, is fighting against the REA. Joe_Da_Dude at this time appealed to AREA to help with his feud with several Union clans. This led to an Online Create Battle between members of AREA and the Commando Recon Operations. However, the Union itself never got much more involved with AREA than that. In fact, the Union went completely unaware of the AREA Conflict. Soon, around the same time, the LBP Union collapsed in the Union Schism.
But what if the Union hadn't collapsed? What if the dispute between the CRO and AREA had continued and garnered the attention of the rest of the Union? What if the LBP Union joined forces with Red Eagle Army to defeat the Anti-Red Eagle Army coalition?
Well, in my opinion, timing and motivation are two critical factors. Why would the Union want to take down AREA so badly? Perhaps Union leaders were seriously bored, or they irrationally hated Joe_Da_Dude to such a blind degree that they lash out at people completely unrelated. It's also possible that REA's leader RekliSnipes might appeal to the Union and somehow convinced Union leaders that the Axis's cause is just and AREA must be defeated to protect LBP.
I don't think this is very likely. Although the Union was very hypocritical when advocating for peace, I doubt the Union would have wanted to involve itself in such a large conflict. REA and its allies weren't exactly nice and didn't represent the Union's values. Birdman9012's crusade against 'noob clans with the Axis doesn't exactly give the Axis and REA a good first impression to the Union.
However, just for the sake of this scenario, let's pretend that RekliSnipes or AE's leader Birdman somehow manage to sweet talk the Union into helping them.
Timing is important. When does the Union join the war? The major turning point of the conflict is when roughly half of Armageddon Empire's members leave to form Blood Star Rebellion alongside AREA. Combined with Akatsuki, CHAOS Inc, the Brotherhood of Steel, and possibly others, BSA's addition to the coalition was enough to overwhelm the Axis's remaining belligerents by number of members.
If the Union joins before this split, it's possible that the Axis's manpower would have squished AREA sooner. However, if the Union enters the fray before BSA forms, then it's possible that the war would stall. We don't know just how big the Union was at that time, but it was roughly 100 members strong, give or take 50. That's still a considerable amount of people, and depending on how much the Union would have been willing to give this conflict, that might have made a major difference.
However, the Union's leaders were notably independent. They pursued goals without a ton of coordination and individual members made plans of their own. It's likely that the Agents, if there were many left, would have conducted espionage in AREA's ranks. The H4H Bounty Hunters probably would have started comment flaming with AREA, while the CRO and the Balance might have tried to do more online create battles with AREA members.
I don't think the conflict would have ever been decided by OCB and comment flaming alone. I'm not sure if create war was mainstream at this time, but it's entirely possible that the Union's involvement might bring the conflict to a stall. This might result in two alliances, the continuation of REA's influence, and a much 'bloodier' beginning to the Shadow Epoch.
Without closure, the two sides might become even more divided. The Union probably would have militarized far more than it already had, I expect that, if it would have continued without a schism, its vision would have been dramatically different from simply helping LBP.
It's possible that, even farther down the road, the AREA coalition would view the Union as a weak link and attack them more directly. I can only imagine this bringing an end to the Union, as the prolonged fighting would drive away many of its members who joined to help LBP.
Well, I'm sure there is more to be explored in this scenario. I only talked about a few possible ways it could have gone down. What do you think? Let me know by responding below or chatting it up in our Discord server!
This is written for the those who were part of the first generation of the BSE. A lost cause and what became it's own victim sworne in extreme secrecy.
The first BSE was found in 2008 from PSN account Jakeraffles1
This Clan's structure was not always an imperial Government.
The "clan" was a very small group with a symbol of what was a black skull, nameless & with no real objective whixh later became under the influence of other smaller clans discovering the small force.
The clans suggested a name and as basic as the logo was it was titled The Black Skull. The first early months of this new idea was secondary research of other well known clans which astablished HQ's of their own and a similarity pattern of levels such as Fortresses, military bases, password required territories.
Jakeraffles1 instructed the same technique to the small followers he had and the clans who gave Jake his influence soon followed him abanodning their own cause and completely merging into 1
2009 this fresh clan was gaining many members but it was still not in the radar of booming popularity and it didn't reach out to others either which resulted in isolation.
Many members began to create factions of their own and even co-sided with Jakes movement which was not fully approved.
These members soon got confronted for their new ideologies for this wasn't acceptable amongest the new policies rolling into this new forming clan. All these members had to either demolish their own small clans or transform them into Jakes Government, this is when the clan became an Imperialistic focus.
Late into 2009 the now "BSE" started to reach out to other clan such as The Chaos Clan.
-BSE & Clan Chaos became allies within 2009.
Over the next months BSE claimed other clans using cunning techniques and skilled defensive mechanisms if ever accused of taking over other clan's memebes a long with all their tech these members had to develop to these clans.
-2009 Chaos soon fell
-Late 2009-2010 BSE had a small rebellion breaking into a minor civil war
-The Empire had covered 5-6 pages of BSE levels which measured as land
-Late 2010 BSE's member inactivity was the highest it had ever been and decided to dismember almost half of its force
-2011 soon after LBP2 Jakeraffles1 PSN became inactivity and was officially shutdown
BSE glided for the next month's to come...
-Mid 2011 Operation Chain was underway
As the BSE had no highest authority for such a long period of time Jake reappeared with a new idealogoy to line up entire clans at once and issued ESE
ESE was a futurestic styled clan with more popularity than the original BSE. ESE Spied on almost every clan they managed to get into, the only clan that didn't have a BSE / ESE Eye was the REA & AREA. REA was impossible and the AREA had no information they didn't already display.
A great and known example of this was DEATH_369
A female "character" which personates a active loyal member.
-Deployed in Cc
As far as the highest memebes of the first generation of 2008 BSE was the "Front" which was now a abandoned clan and left 90% of their memebes without any objectives nor communications and BSE was officially dead... To the outside
BSE was very much alive but was not the BSE any longer.
Elites version of the BSE was not assoicated with the BSE but a new clan entirely.
Jakes new PSN had direct contact to Elites BSE and in the same cunning ways encouraged the younger clan to carry on while the followers or J-prototype was still underway spying.
These members tried to cause wars by pulling strings and miscommunications between clans.
Only one clan became suspicious of the activity; KE
-DEATH_369 set task was to cause a war between Cc & KE which was successful
The secret was never revealed.
Elites BSE existence was too tedious and was later issued to be took over in the same tactic of a no war no susociousion take over granting DEATH the leader of the highly inactive BSE New Front
DEATH_369 Was a subject to develop the most distraction causing the Fallen Republic, RSR & Birdman looking in the direction.
The purpose of Intel was a success and many accounts including DEATH_369 were indeed fake.
They did not exist...
Little was known about the BSE over the years
Many projects failed
Many succeeded
An Empire which first focused highly on level expansion developed into Intel operations.
The last PUBLIC war the BSE was involved in was between BSE, KE & FR Vs Turan.
After the huge disagreement between BSE officials and Turan, Polar, who at the time was allied to Turan, found out about BSE Intel on spying on their union.
After DEATH influenced Cc to declare war on KE and resulting in a Cc victory, KE should have been legally owned by a BSE official but was never accomplished due to Polar having information on the BSE that would have exposed huge justifications of war.
Once KE was gone the next target was Turan but this was delayed when some officials decided to cause allocations between FR & the RSR resulting in FR & Other factions to dislike Cc & the BSE front (DEATH_369) division even further.
This Front would later become the most hated in the community and to take the topic off hand, Jake stepped in officially becoming involved in AXIS personally putting operations back on track.
Before everyone knew it. DEATH_369 & FR / KE two of the most rival sides in the late planning days became one force over night and defeated Turan in a three part invasion.
The First Generation of BSE 2008 - 2014
Leader - Jake
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Eh it says I'm not
Hey, I would kinda like to encourage the discussions feature for the wiki. I've added a few new categories that you can choose from for posting new threads. You can categorize them as General, Research, LBPU, or LBP Projects for now. General posts can be about almost anything, but I ask you refine them down to the other categories if necessary. Research is for finding out things and evidence for pages, such as finding content from an old clan or verifying current sources. LBPU tag is for anything currently LBPU related like current politics, news, or just discussion about the LBPU in general. LBP Projects is for showing off what you have been building in LBP lately! Remember to follow the community guidelines (or basically just be nice and respect others). Thanks for being here on the wiki!
So, after a long war with the community (and me) the axis (head?) has surrendered over the GDR, His name's LBP_savior-_- AKA louis215v. The reason of the war was the huge ego from louis, wich ended in being a defeat from the axis.
Okay, so after annotating polar's autobiography, I realize the many contradictions and mistakes in the text. Our goal here isn't necessarily to find out why those contradictions exist yet (this is another endeavor altogether I think) but rather to find the truth. By comparing the text of the autobiography with other sources, asking the author for more information, and other creative methods, we can get closer to finding supported, more truthful information on this dark chapter of LBP and even prior to this era in LBP1.
Did I mention asking the author for more information? I have gotten ahold of the man himself, Polarlab, to come in to help shed some light on the subject. I'd like to invite everyone with information on the shadow Epoch to join in the discussion to get to the bottom of things, to help jog each other's memories and dig up lost artifacts from this era.
...nope, couldn't call them artifacts with a straight face. Regardless, I hope Polar will drop in to say hello soon and give us a brief on his intentions to contribute to the missing information and contradictions in his manuscript.